8 Lessons Twitter should learn from Windows Vista: Your organization structure decisions might become the root cause of your software low quality

TL;DR: Jump to our non-statistical summary! We often struggle with bugs, bad practices, non modular architecture. In previous posts, we keep mentioning Conway's law to show the correlation between system design and company communication channels: Any organization that...

Why every tech startup needs to understand Nexus, portfolio management, monorepos and trunk-based development.

Any startup comes to the point where the first investment has been secured and a scaling plan should be structured, scaling here covers every aspect of it, from team and resources to processes and releases. All tech companies start deep thinking of the best ways to do...

Applying Scrum to Content Creation Project: Reasons and Concerns

We love Scrum and Agile; Scrum gives any startup the easiest path to a working product with the least complexity. Our current product is a bit different, as the majority of activities aren't related to programming. The majority of the project is content writing and...

Business Articles

Reverse Engineering MBTI Tests

Reverse Engineering MBTI Tests

MBTI is one of the most well known methods used in recruitment process. HR departments in a lot of businesses relies heavily on the...